
A computer package for the simulation of recombining genome under general isolation by distance models.
Current version

CMake projet version for developer (including documentation, sources and test suit):


GSpace is freeware

You don’t need to pay. It is free software covered by the CeCiLL licence (GPL compatible), i.e. it can be used, copied, studied, modified, and redistributed in other free software (i.e. also covered by a GPL-compatible licence, with freely available source code, even if commercial software) provided the GSpace source is acknowledged.


See the documentation for all further information.

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GSpace is a program that can simulate neutral genomic data with recombination under a wide range of demographic and mutational models. It is based on an exact backward-in-time generation-by-generation coalescence approach, coupled with an efficient recombination algorithm and flexible models for dispersal and sub-population sizes. It simulates the ancestry of a sample of haploid or diploid individuals (in both cases following a standard haplo-diploid sexual life cycle with individual migration), carrying one or more chromosomes. GSpace can simulate allelic and sequence data under various mutation models (IAM, KAM, SMM, JC69, K2P, F81, HKY, TN, SNP).

The program run on PC under Windows, Mac or Linux systems, and we provide the source code for the commandline version that can be easily compiled under any system using C++17 ISO compiler.

Developed by​

Thimothée Virgoulay


If you have any question, please feel free to contact me. However, I strongly recommend you read the manual until then end first.

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Virgoulay T, Rousset F & Leblois R, 2021. GSpace: an exact coalescence simulator of recombining genomes under isolation by distance. Bioinformatics, 37(20), 3673-3675. (


GSpace © (2020-present) Virgoulay Thimothee, François Rousset, Raphael Leblois.

Last updated

By Thimothée Virgoulay on 2020-12-17