Offre de postdoctorat 18 mois, oct. 2024

Development of statistical methods for the reconstruction of routes of biological invasion: inference of complex evolutionary scenario from genomic data using admixture graphs Summary: Admixture graphs (AG) describe the demographic history of a set of populations as a directed acyclic graph that represents population splits and merges. They are particularly useful in studying biological invasions, as […]

Offre de doctorat, sep. 2024

Genomic prediction of adaptation: statistical developments and application to an invasive species of crop pest, Drosophila suzukii Key words : Hierarchical Bayesian Models, Deep learning, Population genomics, Adaptation, Genomic Prediction, Drosophila suzukii Summary: By combining genomic and environmental data obtained on a wide range of populations assumed to be locally adapted, one can learn which […]