
A computer program for a simulation-based evaluation of the diagnostic status of juxtaposed microsatellite systems
Current version

Two populations which have diverged from an ancestral population may come back into contact due to human action via stocking or introduction programs. Estoup et al. (1999) and Estoup et al. (2000) have reported a method to measure genetic admixture in such situations based on juxtaposed microsatellite systems (JMSs). A JMS is composed of two microsatellite repeat arrays separated by a sequence of less than 200 bp and more than 20 bp. The advantage of a JMS stems from the superior genealogical information carried by the two microsatellite sites than would be the case for just one.

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Estoup A., Cornuet J.-M., Rousset F., Guyomard R. 1999. Juxtaposed microsatellite systems as diagnostic markers for admixture: theorical aspects. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 16, 898-908. (

Estoup A., Largiadèr C. R., Cornuet J.-M., Gharbi K., Presa P., Guyomard R. 2000. Juxtaposed microsatellite systems as diagnostic markers for admixture: an empirical evaluation with brown trout (Salmo trutta) as model organism. Molecular Ecology, 9: 1873-86. (


JMS-v1 is a free software under copyright © 2000 INRAE.

Last updated

By Arnaud Estoup on 2000-08-10