GODON Roland

Roland GODON

Doctorant, INRAE


Responsabilité(s) collective(s)

Sujet : A plant-centered macroevolutionary approach for studying the evolution of plant-insect interactions: the case of legumes and seed-predatory beetles
Dates : 1er octobre 2024 – 30 septembre 2027
Encadrement CBGP : G. Kergoat
Université : Univ. Montpellier, ED Gaia

Roland starts a PhD thesis on interactions between angiosperms and phytophagous insects that are a major driving force in the evolution of terrestrial biodiversity. This thesis project explores the evolution of these interactions using legumes (Fabaceae) and two groups of specialized phytophagous insects as models: seed-beetles (Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) and weevils (Curculionidae: Apioninae and Curculioninae pro part.). Our aim is to determine how the evolution of plant defenses in response to pressure from phytophagous insects has affected the current diversity of associations between legumes and these two groups.

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