Molecular Biology technical platform


The aim of this technical platform is to pool technologies and skills in molecular biology to support the unit’s research programmes.

The methods used generate the genetic data needed to characterise biodiversity and study phylogeny and population genetics, as well as genome structure, organism adaptation and gene function for species or communities of interest.

The site has 11 permanent staff and welcomes a large number of students.

Co-hosts and scientific representative
CLAMENS Anne-Laure
Anne-Laure CLAMENS
Technician, INRAE
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Anne-Laure CLAMENS
Technician, INRAE
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Technician, INRAE
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Technician, INRAE
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CASTEL Guillaume
Guillaume CASTEL
Research manager, INRAE
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Guillaume CASTEL
Research manager, INRAE
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Activities and main facilities available

The platform has 200 m2 of laboratories dedicated to the various activities based on the principle of forward progress. The main activities are as follows:

  • High-throughput purification of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA)
    Main equipment: Sigma 4K15 centrifuge, Eppendorf epMotion 5075 robot
  • PCR amplification for genotyping (microsatellites, RFLP, AFLP) and sequencing (conventional and high-throughput)
    Main equipment: 96 Eppendorf block thermocyclers (Mastercycler, epGradient and Nexus) and 384 TProfessional (Biometra)
  • Quantitative PCR: measurement of gene expression, pathogen detection, target quantification
    Main equipment: LightCycler 480 (Roche), 96- and 384-well blocks
  • Preparation of libraries for high-throughput sequencing: AmpliconSeq (metabarcoding, 16S metagenomics, MHC genotyping, etc.), RADseq, RNAseq, Shotgun, etc.
  • Quality control of nucleic acids, PCR products and genomic libraries
    Main equipment: electrophoresis tanks (Mupid), Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent), NanoDrop ND8000 spectrophotometer (Thermo), Qubit fluorometer (Invitrogen)
  • Cytogenetics: karyotyping, PRINS, FISH of repeated probes, BAC-FISH, chromosome painting, Zoo-FISH
    Main equipment: fluorescence microscope (Zeiss) coupled to an image analysis system (Genus, Cytovision)

As CBGP is part of the LabEx CeMEB (Centre Méditerranéen Environnement et Biodiversité) and the LabEx Agro, users of our technical platform also benefit from access to shared equipment on partner platforms (Applied Biosystems capillary sequencers, Illumina MiSeq sequencer, Thermofisher KingFisher automated extraction system, Covaris S220 sonicator):

CeMEB labelled platforms

Grand Regional Genotyping Technical Platform

Latest publications

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