ROSSI Jean-Pierre
+33 4 30 63 04 30

Jean-Pierre ROSSI

Research Director, INRAE


Mes recherches portent sur l’écologie spatiale des insectes forestiers et visent à mieux comprendre les déterminismes environnementaux de la distribution des populations dans l’espace. Je travaille principalement à deux échelles : l’échelle des paysages et l’échelle continentale qui correspond aux aires de distribution des espèces. Les processus écologiques diffèrent souvent de même que les échelles de temps auxquelles ils agissent et de ce fait ces deux approches sont complémentaires.

Last publications
Chartois M., Mesmin X., Quiquerez I., Borgomano S., Farigoule* P., Pierre E., Thuillier J.-M., Streito J.-C., Casabianca F., Hugot L., Rossi J.-P., Rasplus J.-Y. & Cruaud A. 2023. Environmental factors driving the abundance of Philaenus spumarius in mesomediterranean habitats of Corsica (France). Scientific Reports 13 : 1901. (
Mesmin X., Lambert M., Chartois M., Farigoule* P., Cesari L., Quiquerez I., Borgomano S., Rossi J.-P., Rasplus J.-Y. & Cruaud A. 2023. No detection of Xylella fastidiosa in cicadas (Hemiptera, Cicadidae) sampled in infected areas of Corsica (France). Journal of Applied Entomology 147 : 559-563. (
Rossi J.-P. & Rasplus J.-Y. 2023. Climate change and the potential distribution of the glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis), an insect vector of Xylella fastidiosa. Science of the Total Environment 860 : 160375. (
Farigoule* P., Chartois M., Mesmin X., Lambert M., Rossi J.-P., Rasplus J.-Y. & Cruaud A. 2022. Vectors as sentinels: rising temperatures increase the risk of Xylella fastidiosa outbreaks. Biology 11 : 1299. (
Godefroid M., Cruaud A., Streito J.C., Rasplus J.Y. & Rossi J.-P. 2022. Forecasting future range shifts of Xylella fastidiosa under climate change. Plant Pathology 71 : 1839-1848. (
Mesmin X., Chartois M., Borgomano S., Rasplus J.-Y., Rossi J.-P. & Cruaud A. 2022. Interaction networks between spittlebugs and vegetation types in and around olive and clementine groves of Corsica; implications for the spread of Xylella fastidiosa. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 334 : 107979. (
Martin J.-C., Mesmin X., Buradino M., Rossi J.-P. & Kerdelhué C. 2022. Complex drivers of phenology in the pine processionary moth: lessons from the past. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 24 : 247-259. (
Chartois M., Streito J.-C., Pierre E., Armand J.-M., Gaudin J. & Rossi J.-P. 2021. A crowdsourcing approach to track the expansion of the brown marmorated stinkbug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) in France. Biodiversity Data Journal 9 : e66335. (
Cruaud A., Delvare G., Nidelet S., Sauné L., Ratnasingham S., Chartois M., Blaimer B.B., Gates M., Brady S.G., Faure S., van Noort S., Rossi J.-P. & Rasplus J.-Y. 2021. Ultra‐Conserved Elements and morphology reciprocally illuminate conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses in Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Cladistics 37 : 1-35. (
Chauvel B., Fried G., Follak S., Chapman D., Kulakova Y., Le Bourgeois T., Marisavljevic D., Monty A., Rossi J.-P., Starfinger U., Tanner R., Tassus X., Van Valkenburg J. & Regnier E. 2021. Monographs on invasive plants in Europe N°5: Ambrosia trifida L. Botany Letters 168 : 167-190. (