+33 4 99 62 33 21


Ingénieur de recherche, IRD


Plateau(x) technique(s)

Responsabilité(s) collective(s)

Agent de prévention
Gestion budgétaire du plateau technique de Biologie Moléculaire
  • Acquisition de données moléculaires (PCR quantitative, séquençage haut-débit)
  • Formation et transfert de compétence auprès des partenaires du Sud
  • Participation à la création/installation de plateformes techniques chez les partenaires du Sud
  • Assistant de prévention


Mots-clés : Petits mammifères, agents zoonotiques, biologie moléculaire, formation, prévention.

Dernières publications
Galan M., Bordes A., Gauthier P., Kane M., Niang Y., Pierre E. & Granjon L. 2023. The diet of commensal Crocidura olivieri (Soricomorpha: Soricidae): predation on co-existing invasive Mus musculus suggested by DNA metabarcoding data. Mammalia 87 : 326-334. (
Dossou* H.-J., Le Guyader M., Gauthier P., Badou* S., Etougbetche* J., Houemenou G., Djelouadji Z. & Dobigny G. 2022. Fine-scale prevalence and genetic diversity of urban small mammal-borne pathogenic Leptospira in Africa: A spatiotemporal survey within Cotonou, Benin. Zoonoses Public Health 69 : 643-654. (
Ségard A., Romero A., Ravel S., Truc P., Dobigny G., Gauthier P., Etougbetche* J., Dossou* H.-J., Badou* S., Houéménou G., Morand S., Chaisiri K., Noûs C. & de Meeûs T. 2022. Development of nine microsatellite loci for Trypanosoma lewisi, a potential human pathogen in Western Africa and South-East Asia, and preliminary population genetics analyses. Peer Community Journal 2 : e69. (
Stragier C., Piry S., Loiseau A., Kane M., Sow A., Niang Y., Diallo M., Ndiaye A., Gauthier P., Borderon M., Granjon L., Brouat C. & Berthier K. 2022. Interplay between historical and current features of the cityscape in shaping the genetic structure of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) in Dakar (Senegal, West Africa). Peer Community Journal 2 : e11. (
Badou* S.A., Gauthier P., Houemenou G., Loiseau A., Doussou* H.-J., Etougbetche* J., Houemenou H., Agbangla C., Brouat C. & Dobigny G. 2021. Population genetic structure of black rats in an urban environment : a case study in Cotonou, Benin. Hystrix : Italian Journal of Mammalogy 2 : 130-136. (
Castel G., Kant R., Badou* S., Etougbétché* J., Dossou* H.-J., Gauthier P., Houéménou G., Smura T., Sironen T. & Dobigny G. 2021. Genetic characterization of Seoul virus in the seaport of Cotonou, Benin. Emerging Infectious Diseases 27 : 2704-2706. (
Granjon L., Fossati‐Gaschignard O., Artige E., Bâ K., Brouat C., Dalecky A., Diagne C.A., Diallo M., Gauthier P., Handschumacher P., Kane M., Husse L., Niang Y., Piry S., Sarr N., Sow A. & Duplantier J.M. 2021. Commensal small mammal trapping data in Southern Senegal, 2012–2015: where invasive species meet native ones. Ecology 102 : e03470. (
Houéménou H., Gauthier P., Houéménou G., Mama D., Alassane A., Socohou A., Dossou* H.-J., Badou* S., Picardeau M., Tweed S., Leblanc M. & Dobigny G. 2021. Pathogenic Leptospira and water quality in African cities: A case study of Cotonou, Benin. Science of The Total Environment 774 : 145541. (
Savassi B.A.E.S., Dobigny G., Etougbétché* J.R., Avocegan T.T., Quinsou F.T., Gauthier P., Ibikounlé M., Moné H. & Mouahid G. 2021. Mastomys natalensis (Smith, 1834) as a natural host for Schistosoma haematobium (Bilharz, 1852) Weinland, 1858 x Schistosoma bovis Sonsino, 1876 introgressive hybrids. Parasitology Research 120 : 1755-1770. (
Etougbétché J., Houéménou G., Dossou H.J., Badou S., Gauthier P., Youssa Aboud Karim I., Nicolas V. & Dobigny G. 2020. Genetic diversity and origins of invasive balck rats (Rattus rattus) in Benin, West Africa. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 69 : e20014. (