Le Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations a pour vocation de comprendre les mécanismes qui régissent l’évolution de populations d’organismes importants pour l’agronomie, les forêts, la santé humaine ou la conservation de la biodiversité.
Tournebize R., Borner L., Manel S., Meynard C., Vigouroux Y., Crouzillat D., Fournier C., Kassam M., Descombes P., Tranchant-Dubreuil C., Parrinello H., Kiwuka C., Sumirat U., Legnate H., Kambale J.L., Sonke B., Mahinga J.C., Musoli P., Janssens S.B., Stoffelen P., de Kochko A. & Poncet V. 2022. Ecological and genomic vulnerability to climate change across native populations of Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora). Global Change Biology 28 : 4124-4142. (
Trumper E.V., Cease A.J., Cigliano M.M., Bazán F.C., Lange C.E., Medina H.E., Overson R.P., Therville C., Pocco M.E., Piou C., Zagaglia G. & Hunter D. 2022. A review of the biology, ecology, and management of the South American locust, Schistocerca cancellata (Serville, 1838), and future prospects. Agronomy 12 : 135. (
Turbelin A.J., Diagne C.A., Hudgins E.J., Moodley D., Kourantidou M., Novoa A., Haubrock P.J., Bernery C., Gozlan R.E., Francis R.A. & Courchamp F. 2022. Introduction pathways of economically costly invasive alien species. Biological Invasions 24 : 2061-2079. (
Ulmer R., Couty A., Eslin P., Catterou M., Baliteau L., Bonis A., Borowiec N., Colinet H., Delbac L., Dubois F., Estoup A., Froissard J., Gallet‐Moron E., Gard B., Georges R., Gibert P., Le Goff I., Lemauviel‐Lavenant S., Loucougaray G., Michelot‐Antalik A., Odoux J.F., Pincebourde S., Rode N.O., Thaon M., Till‐Bottraud I. & Chabrerie O. 2022. Macroecological patterns of fruit infestation rates by the invasive fly Drosophila suzukii in the wild reservoir host plant Sambucus nigra. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 24 : 548-563. (
Urvois* T., Perrier C., Roques A., Sauné L., Courtin C., Li Y., Johnson A.J., Hulcr J., Auger-Rozenberg M.-A. & Kerdelhué C. 2022. The phylogeography of the worldwide invader Xylosandrus compactus revealed using COI and RAD sequencing analyses. Journal of Pest Science 95 : 1217-1231. (
Vaissière A.-C., Courtois P., Courchamp F., Kourantidou M., Diagne C.A., Essl F., Kirichenko N., Welsh M. & Salles J.-M. 2022. The nature of economic costs of biological invasions. Biological Invasions 24 : 2081-2101. (
Vernier* C., Barthes N., Chapuis M.-P., Foucaud J., Huguenin J., Leménager N. & Piou C. 2022. Faeces' odours attract gregarious locust hoppers. Journal of Insect Physiology 143 : 104454. (
Wannassi T., Harbi A., Abbes K., Elimem M., Delvare G. & Chermiti B. 2022. Emergence of the apricot seed wasp Eurytoma samsonowi Vassiliev (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) as an economic pest of apricots in Tunisia. Phytoparasitica 50 : 837-852. (
Yainna S., Tay W.T., Durand K., Fiteni E., Hilliou F., Legeai F., Clamens A.-L., Gimenez S., Asokan R., Kalleshwaraswamy C.M., Deshmuk S., Meagher J., R.L., Blanco C.A., Silvie P., Brévault T., Dassou A., Kergoat G.J., Walsh T., Gordon K., Nègre N., d'Alençon E. & Nam K. 2022. The evolutionary process of biological invasion in the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). Scientific Reports 12 : 25529. (
Zhang J., Heraty J.M., Darling C., Kresslein R.L., Baker A.J., Torréns J., Rasplus J.Y., Lemmon A. & Moriarty Lemmon E. 2022. Anchored phylogenomics and a revised classification of the planidial larva clade of jewel wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Systematic Entomology 47 : 329-353. (