Le Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations a pour vocation de comprendre les mécanismes qui régissent l’évolution de populations d’organismes importants pour l’agronomie, les forêts, la santé humaine ou la conservation de la biodiversité.
Zida I., Nacro S., Dabiré R.A., Moquet L., Haran J. & Delatte H. 2022. Native hymenopteran parasitoids associated with fruit‐infesting flies in three plant formations and prospects for biological control in Western Burkina Faso, West Africa. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 24 : 114-123. (
Abhisree P., Ranjith A.P., Nasser M. & Delvare G. 2021. A review of the biology of Neochalcis Kirby (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae) with a new host and biological data for N. breviceps (Masi). Journal of Natural History 55 : 1769-1780. (
Akchour A., Zahidi A., Auger P., Kreiter S. & El Mousadik A. 2021. Seasonal trend of Eutetranychus orientalis in Moroccan citrus orchards and its potential control by Neoseiulus californicus and Stethorus punctillum. Systematic and Applied Acarology 26 : 1458-1480. (
Ali N., Tavoillot J., Martiny B., Fossati-Gaschignard O., Plas S., Dmowska E., Winiszewska G., Chapuis E., Rulliat E., Jimenez D., Granereau G., Barbier S., Héraud C., Gautheron N., Edel-Hermann V., Steinberg C. & Mateille T. 2021. Legacy of plant-parasitic nematode communities from past ecosystems and shift by recent afforestation. Global Ecology and Conservation 26 : e01423. (
Allio R., Nabholz B., Wanke S., Chomicki G., Pérez-Escobar O.A., Cotton A.M., Clamens A.-L., Kergoat G.J., Sperling F.A.H. & Condamine F.L. 2021. Genome-wide macroevolutionary signatures of key innovations in butterflies colonizing new host plants. Nature Communications 12 : 354. (
Angulo E., Diagne C., Ballesteros-Mejia L., Adamjy T., Ahmed D.A., Akulov E., Banerjee A.K., Capinha C., Dia C.A.K.M., Dobigny G., Duboscq-Carra V.G., Golivets M., Haubrock P.J., Heringer G., Kirichenko N., Kourantidou M., Liu C., Nuñez M.A., Renault D., Roiz D., Taheri A., Verbrugge L.N.H., Watari Y., Xiong W. & Courchamp F. 2021. Non-English languages enrich scientific knowledge: The example of economic costs of biological invasions. Science of The Total Environment 775 : e144441. (
Arredondo A., Mourato B., Nguyen K., Boitard S., Rodríguez W., Noûs C., Mazet O. & Chikhi L. 2021. Inferring number of populations and changes in connectivity under the n-island model. Heredity 126 : 896-912. (
Ayllón D., Railsback S.F., Gallagher C., Augusiak J., Baveco H., Berger U., Charles S., Martin R., Focks A., Galic N., Liu C., van Loon E.E., Nabe-Nielsen J., Piou C., Polhill J.G., Preuss T.G., Radchuk V., Schmolke A., Stadnicka-Michalak J., Thorbek P. & Grimm V. 2021. Keeping modelling notebooks with TRACE: Good for you and good for environmental research and management support. Environmental Modelling & Software 136 : 104932. (
Badou* S.A., Gauthier P., Houemenou G., Loiseau A., Doussou* H.-J., Etougbetche* J., Houemenou H., Agbangla C., Brouat C. & Dobigny G. 2021. Population genetic structure of black rats in an urban environment : a case study in Cotonou, Benin. Hystrix : Italian Journal of Mammalogy 2 : 130-136. (
Bates A.E., Primack R.B., Biggar B.S., Bird T.J., Clinton M.E., Command R.J., Richards C., Shellard M., Geraldi N.R., Vergara V., Acevedo-Charry O., Colon-Pineiro Z., Ocampo D., Ocampo-Penuela N., Sanchez-Clavijo L.M., Adamescu C.M., Cheval S., Racoviceanu T., Adams M.D., Kalisa E., Kuuire V.Z., Aditya V., Anderwald P., Wiesmann S., Wipf S., Badihi G., Henderson M.G., Loetscher H., Baerenfaller K., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Bulleri F., Bertocci I., Maggi E., Rindi L., Ravaglioli C., Boerder K., Bonnel J., Mathias D., Archambault P., Chauvaud L., Braun C.D., Thorrold S.R., Brownscombe J.W., Midwood J.D., Boston C.M., Brooks J.L., Cooke S.J., China V., Roll U., Belmaker J., Zvuloni A., Coll M., Ortega M., Connors B., Lacko L., Jayathilake D.R.M., Costello M.J., Crimmins T.M., Barnett L., Denny E.G., Gerst K.L., Marsh R.L., Posthumus E.E., Rodriguez R., Rosemartin A., Schaffer S.N., Switzer J.R., Wong K., Cunningham S.J., Sumasgutner P., Amar A., Thomson R.L., Stofberg M., Hofmeyr S., Suri J., Stuart-Smith R.D., Day P.B., Edgar G.J., Cooper A.T., De Leo F.C., Garner G., Des Brisay P.G., Schrimpf M.B., Koper N., Diamond M.S., Dwyer R.G., Baker C.J., Franklin C.E., Efrat R., Berger-Tal O., Hatzofe O., Eguiluz V.M., Rodriguez J.P., Fernandez-Gracia J., Elustondo D., Calatayud V., English P.A., Archer S.K., Dudas S.E., Haggarty D.R., Gallagher A.J., Shea B.D., Shipley O.N., Gilby B., Ballantyne J., Olds A.D., Henderson C.J., Schlacher T.A., Halliday W.D., Brown N.A.W., Woods M.B., Balshine S., Juanes F., Rider M.J., Albano P.S., Hammerschlag N., Hays G.C., Esteban N., Pan Y.H., He G.J., Tanaka T., Hensel M.J.S., Orth R.J., Patrick C.J., Hentati-Sundberg J., Olsson O., Hessing-Lewis M.L., Higgs N.D., Hindell M.A., McMahon C.R., Harcourt R., Guinet C., Hirsch S.E., Perrault J.R., Hoover S.R., Reilly J.D., Hobaiter C., Gruber T., Huveneers C., Udyawer V., Clarke T.M., Kroesen L.P., Hik D.S., Cherry S.G., Belluz J.A.D., Jackson J.M., Lai S.J., Lamb C.T., LeClair G.D., Parmelee J.R., Chatfield M.W.H., Frederick C.A., Lee S., Park H., Choi J., LeTourneux F., Grandmont T., De Broin F.D., Bety J., Gauthier G., Legagneux P., Lewis J.S., Haight J., Liu Z., Lyon J.P., Hale R., D'Silva D., MacGregor-Fors I., Arbelaez-Cortes E., Estela F.A., Sanchez-Sarria C.E., Garcia-Arroyo M., Aguirre-Samboni G.K., Morales J.C.F., Malamud S., Gavriel T., Buba Y., Salingre S., Lazarus M., Yahel R., Ben Ari Y., Miller E., Sade R., Lavian G., Birman Z., Gury M., Baz H., Baskin I., Penn A., Dolev A., Licht O., Karkom T., Davidzon S., Berkovitch A., Yaakov O., Manenti R., Mori E., Ficetola G.F., Lunghi E., March D., Godley B.J., Martin C., Mihaly S.F., Barclay D.R., Thomson D.J.M., Dewey R., Bedard J., Miller A., Dearden A., Chapman J., Dares L., Borden L., Gibbs D., Schultz J., Sergeenko N., Francis F., Weltman A., Moity N., Ramirez-Gonzalez J., Mucientes G., Alonso-Fernandez A., Namir I., Bar-Massada A., Chen R., Yedvab S., Okey T.A., Oppel S., Arkumarev V., Bakari S., Dobrev V., Saravia-Mullin V., Bounas A., Dobrev D., Kret E., Mengistu S., Pourchier C., Ruffo A., Tesfaye M., Wondafrash M., Nikolov S.C., Palmer C., Sileci L., Rex P.T., Lowe C.G., Peters F., Pine M.K., Radford C.A., Wilson L., McWhinnie L., Scuderi A., Jeffs A.G., Prudic K.L., Larrivee M., McFarland K.P., Solis R., Hutchinson R.A., Queiroz N., Furtado M.A., Sims D.W., Southall E., Quesada-Rodriguez C.A., Diaz-Orozco J.P., Rodgers K.S., Severino S.J.L., Graham A.T., Stefanak M.P., Madin E.M.P., Ryan P.G., Maclean K., Weideman E.A., Kittelberger K.D., Kusak J., Seminoff J.A., Hanna M.E., Shimada T., Meekan M.G., Smith M.K.S., Mokhatla M.M., Soh M.C.K., Pang R.Y.T., Ng B.X.K., Benjamin P., Loo A.H.B., Er K.B.H., Souza G.B.G., Stallings C.D., Curtis J.S., Faletti M.E., Peake J.A., Schram M.J., Wall K.R., Terry C., Rothendler M., Zipf L., Ulloa J.S., Hernandez-Palma A., Gomez-Valencia B., Cruz-Rodriguez C., Herrera-Varon Y., Roa M., Rodriguez-Buritica S., Ochoa-Quintero J.M., Vardi R., Vazquez V., Requena-Mesa C., Warrington M.H., Taylor M.E., Woodall L.C., Stefanoudis P.V., Zhang X.L., Yang Q., Zukerman Y., Sigal Z., Ayali A., Clua E.E.G., Carzon P., Seguine C., Corradini A., Pedrotti L., Foley C.M., Gagnon C.A., Panipakoochoo E., Milanes C.B., Botero C.M., Velazquez Y.R., Milchakova N.A., Morley S.A., Martin S.M., Nanni V., Otero T., Wakeling J., Abarro S., Piou C., Sobral A.F.L., Soto E.H., Weigel E.G., Bernal-Ibanez A., Gestoso I., Cacabelos E., Cagnacci F., Devassy R.P., Loretto M.C., Moraga P., Rutz C. & Duarte C.M. 2021. Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation 263 : 109175. (