
CBGP is managed by the unit director, Renaud Vitalis (INRAE), and the deputy unit director, Carine Brouat (IRD).

Management is supported by an extended management committee (Codir) comprising: the heads of the three thematic areas, who act as a link between management and CBGP staff; the unit administrator; and an engineer who acts more specifically as a link with the engineers and technicians and the technical platforms. The Codir meets once or twice a month to take decisions concerning the life of the unit in a collegial manner, based on the opinions issued by the CBGP’s various consultative bodies (unit council, scientific council); to prioritise applications to calls for tenders where necessary; and to define and monitor missions of collective interest entrusted to staff members (e.g. drawing up job profiles, scientific or technical leadership, management of technical platforms). The Management Board meets regularly with the heads of the CBGP’s technical facilities.

Board of Directors
Unit Council
Scientific Advisory Board
CIRAD correspondent
Area 1
Characterisation and evolution of biodiversity
Area 2
Ecology and evolutionary genetics of pests and diseases
Area 3
Ecology and evolution of zoonoses
« Molecular biology » technical platform
« Collections » technical platform
« Greenhouse, arthropod breeding and phenotyping » technical platform
« Scientific computing and data management » technical platform